Alba Longa
Alba Longa
Where was Alba Longa?
Over the centuries, this question has stimulated the most varied conjectures, by scholars, poets, historians, philologists and, of course, archaeologists. Fantasy has often merged with reality, myth with history.
All of these hypotheses present some credible data, but mixed with more improbable aspects drawn from either ancient writers or uncorroborated documents. This, in turn, has led to incompatibilities between the hypotheses and the reality of archaeological excavations. The scholar Riccardo Bellucci, after years of systematic research, now proposes a coherent and consistent solution to the location of the Mater Urbis, in a previously unsuspected area. The motivation, intuition and documentation that has led Bellucci to decide on his theory, will fascinate everyone; and stimulate debate on the truth of his conclusions. The book then goes beyond the story of Alba Longa itself to provide further fascinating detail related to the area.